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Philadelphia Streets Department

Philadelphia Streets Department Surveys

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2755 result(s). Showing results 1501 to 1550.

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Identifer Preview Title Surveyor Date Media / Size / Scale Area / Map Features
RC-003-k-1 Plan of the extension of the Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Rail Road, Thirty-third Ward, Philad'a. [Approved by Board of Surveyors Aug. 4, 1890] Webster, George S. 1890
16 x 52 in.
Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Co. Front St. from Lehigh Ave. to Tioga St.
Street Railway. Shows small section of Gunner's Run between Clearfield St. and Allegheny Ave.
RC-003-k-2 Plan of the extension of the Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Rail Road, Thirty-third Ward, Philad'a. [Ordinance July 16, 1890; survey returned July 28, 1890; approved by Board of Surveyors Aug. 4, 1890] Webster, George S. 1890
17 x 35 in.
Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Co. Glenwood Ave., from 5th to 3rd Sts, then on Tioga St from 3rd to Front St.
Street Railway
RC-003-L Plan showing proposed location of tracks of the Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Co. on Kensington Ave. between Adams Road and Frankford Ave., Twenty-third Ward, Philadelphia [Survey returned July 1, 1891; approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 8, 1891] Webster, George S. 1891
19 x 16 in.
Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-003-z Order Job 41 for Frankford & Southwark Phila. City Pass. Ry. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., at 12th and Wharton Streets. Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa. Not named 1893
16 x 27 in.
3/16 inch = 1 foot
Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-c Fairmount Passenger Rail Road [Approved by Board of Surveyors June 21, 1858] Stiles, Amos 1858
20 x 33 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Fairmount Passenger Railroad, on Callowhill Street to 23rd St, to Vine St., to 22nd St. and back to Callowhill St.
Street Railway, plan and profile.
RC-004-d Plan of that part of the Race and Vine Street Passenger Railway which is in the Fifth Survey District of the City of Philadelphia [Approved by Board of Surveyors June 21 and July 12, 1858] Siddall, Joseph H. 1858
34 x 47 in.
Street railway tracks on Vine St., Race St., 2nd St. and 3rd St.
Street Railway
RC-004-e Proposed route of the Fairmount Passenger R.R. Not named 1858 ca.
22 x 35 in.
Fairmount Passenger Railroad
Street Railway
RC-004-h Proposed temporary route of the Hestonville Fairmount & Mantua Passenger Railway during the construction of the Fairmount Bridge - no grades on Haverford Street east of 33rd Street being confirmed the Company cannot adhere to City Regulation [Approved by Board of Surveyors March 23, 1873] Hancock, George W. 1873
17 x 20 in.
Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-J Plan showing the proposed extension of the Hestonville, M. [Mantua] and F. [Fairmount] Pass. R.W. on Thirty-fifth Street from the Co.'s tracks on Bridge St. to the Zoological Garden [Approved by Board of Surveyors April 5, 1875] Hancock, George W. 1875
11 x 29 in.
Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-k Plan showing the proposed extension of the Hestonville, M. [Mantua] and F. [Fairmount] Pass. R-W on Fifty-second Street from Lancaster Avenue to Elm Avenue [Approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 20, 1875] Hancock, George W. 1875
16 x 27 in.
Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-L Plan of proposed tracks of the Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Pass. Rail Road on Spring Garden St. from Fairmount Bridge to 25th St. [Ordinance June 25, 1880; survey returned Nov. 1881; approved by Board of Surveyors Nov. 7, 1881] Roberts, Edward D. 1881
20 x 26 in.
Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-m Plan of proposed tracks of the Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Pass. Rail Road on Thirty-first St. from Haverford to Spring Garden St. and Spring Garden St. from Fairmount Bridge to 33rd St. [Ordinance June 25, 1880; survey returned Oct. 1881; approved by Board of Surveyors Nov. 7, 1881] Johnson, Joseph 1881
13 x 30 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-n Plan of the Arch Street P.R.R. (Passenger Rail Road) in the 15th Ward. Stiles, Amos 1870 ca.
Paper, Heavy
13 x 26 in.
Arch Street Passenger Railroad Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-v [Letter dated May 11, 1883, from D. Hopkinson, President, Schuylkill River Passenger Railway Co., and Matthew Brookes, President, Philadelphia and Grays Ferry Passenger Railway Co., to Board of Surveyors, asserting the companies' "right to a continuous track on Twenty-second Street."] Not named 1883
13 x 8 in.
Street railway, in relation to tracks on 22nd St.
Street Railway
RC-004-w Plan of the proposed location of tracks and curves in Arch St. between Twentieth and Twenty-first Sts. [Survey returned Feb. 23, 1893; approved by Board of Surveyors March 19, 1894] Cranmer, William C. 1893
9 x 23 in.
Street railway, tracks near 20th and Arch Sts.
Street Railway
RC-004-x Hestonville P.R.W. Co. Plan showing proposed turnout at 20th and Arch Sts. for the Jollivet, Jules T. (draughtsman) 1892
14 x 14 in.
Hestonville Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-004-y Plan of the intersection of Twenty-fourth and Callowhill Sts. Thayer, W. W. 1892
18 x 21 in.
1 inch = 10 feet
Street railway, tracks at 24th and Callowhill Sts.
Street Railway
RC-004-z [Handwritten title on reverse: "Profile approaches to Chestnut Street Bridge and proposed changes" Includes profiles of Chestnut St., 23rd St. and Dunlap St.] Not named 1893
Paper, Graph
11 x 38 in.
1 inch = 40 feet
Philadelphia. Chestnut St. at 23rd St.
Street profile
RC-005-a [Letter and plan, detailing slight change of tracks of the Central Passenger Railway, on Wayne Ave. between Berkley St. and Roberts Ave. On reverse: "Modification of route, Central Pass. Railway, Minutes Feb. 15, 1864"] Not named 1864
8 x 12 in.
Central Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-006-a Plan showing the route and location of the Continental Railway through the First, Third, Fourth, and Seventh Survey District, City of Philadelphia, Dec. 1873 [Approved by Board of Surveyors Jan. 5, 1874] Daly, Thomas; Shedaker, David Hudson; Roberts, Edward D., Albertson, William 1873
23 x 199 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway, Rittenhouse and Logan Squares, Francisville, Girard College
RC-006-b Plan showing the route and location of the Continental Railway through the Third Survey District, City of Philadelphia, Dec. 1873 [Approved by Board of Surveyors Jan. 5, 1874] Shedaker, David Hudson 1873
35 x 78 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Philadelphia. Bounded by 7th St. to 20th St., Locust to Filbert Sts.
Street Railway, City Hall
RC-006-c Plan showing proposed extension of the Continental Pass. Railway, on Jayne, Sansom and Sixth Streets. June 1878 [Approved by Board of Surveyors July 1, 1878] Shedaker, David Hudson 1878
22 x 21 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-d Plan and profile of the proposed extension of the "Continental Passenger Railway." [On reverse: "Extension of Continental Railway on 20th St. from Norris St. to Susquehanna Ave."] Not named 1878
15 x 40 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-e Plan showing proposed curves & turnouts on 17, 18, 19, 20, Filbert and Sansom Streets of the Continental Passenger Railway [Approved by Board of Surveyors Aug. 4, 1879] Shedaker, David Hudson 1879
28 x 28 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-f Plan of the proposed extension of the Continental P.R.R. [Survey dated Nov. 23, 1885; approval noted but date not given] Daly, Thomas 1885
18 x 27 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-g Plan of the extension of the Contil. Passenger Railway, on Twentieth St. north of Susquehanna Ave. to York St. [Ordinance June 19, 1875; approved by Board of Surveyors May 6, 1889] Fuller, H. M. 1889
18 x 27 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-x Plan showing ;proposed extension of the Continental Passenger Railway (Seventeenth and Nineteenth and Eighteenth and Twentieth), Aug. 1879 [Approved by Board of Surveyors Aug. 18, 1879] Cranmer, William C. 1879
14 x 14 in.
Continental Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-006-y Drawing of connecting curve at 7th & Jayne Sts. for Phila. Traction Co., Phila., Pa. Wm. Wharton Jr. & Co. Incorporated, Phila., Pa., Drawing No. 7579 [Approved by Board of Surveyors March 19, 1894] Not named 1894
9 x 13 in.
1 inch = 16 feet
Philadelphia Traction Co., curve at 7th and Jayne Sts.
Street Railway
RC-006-z Proposed plan of tracks on Sansom St. bet. 7th and 8th Sts. for Phila. Traction Co. - Continental Branch, Phila., Pa. Wm. Wharton Jr. & Co. Incorporated, Drawing No. 7521 [Approved by Board of Surveyors March 19, 1894] Not named 1894
9 x 18 in.
1 inch = 16 feet
Philadelphia Traction Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-b Plan of that part of the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway included in the Sixth Ward of the City of Philadelphia [Survey returned July 10, 1858; approved by Board of Surveyors July 12, 1858] Siddall, Joseph H. 1858
17 x 26 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-c Plan and profile of the proposed extension of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail Road in the line of Till [Fortieth] Street, from Market to Woodland Street [Approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 13, 1858] Miller, James 1858
12 x 44 in.
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-d Plan and profile of the proposed extension of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail Road in the line of Till [Fortieth] Street, from Market to Woodland Street [Approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 13, 1858] Smedley, Samuel L. 1858
19 x 35 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-f Plan for the extension of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail-Way on 65th St. and Haverford St. Smedley, Samuel L. 1868
19 x 37 in.
1 inch = 60 feet
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-g Plan of the proposed extension of the Haddington Branch of the West Philadelphia Pass. Rail Way, west from east side of 66th Street 1000 feet Hancock, George W. 1872
13 x 25 in.
1 inch = 60 feet
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-007-J Plan of the proposed route of the West Philadelphia Pass. R-Way to connect their present tracks on Fortieth and Forty-first Streets [Survey returned April 16, 1875; approved by Board of Surveyors April 19, 1875] Hancock, George W. 1875
12 x 22 in.
Street railway tracks on Hutton St. between 40th and 41st Sts.
Street Railway
RC-007-k [No title. Tracks in 33rd St., Powelton Ave., 32nd St. and Arch St. Survey returned April 30, 1880; approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 20, 1880] Johnson, Joseph 1880
14 x 27 in.
Street railway, tracks in vicinity of 33rd St.and Powelton Ave., West Philadelphia
Street Railway
RC-007-L [No title. Tracks in Haverford Ave. from depot of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail Way Co. at 41st St. to 53rd St. Survey returned April 29, 1880; approved by Board of Surveyors Sept. 20, 1880] Johnson, Joseph 1880
12 x 69 in.
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-008-y Plan of proposed curve for the Phila. Traction Co. Thayer, W. W. 1892
17 x 17 in.
1 inch = 20 feet
Philadelphia Traction Co.
Street Railway
RC-008-z Plan of proposed change of tracks for the Union Passenger Railway Co., Fifteenth Ward, Philadelphia. Showing proposed tracks on 28th St. and tracks to be abandoned on Brown St., Pa. Ave. and 29th St. [Survey returned June 30, 1893; approved by Board of Surveyors July 10, 1893] Bloch, Frits 1893
31 x 21 in.
1 inch = 40 feet
Union Passenger Railway, tracks on 28th and Brown and vicinity
Street Railway
RC-009-a Plan of portion of route of the Union Passenger Rail Road Wolf. John F. 1864
16 x 38 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-009-d Plan and profile of a part of the Union Passr. Railway Not named 1866 ca.
19 x 23 in.
1 inch = 50 feet
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-009-d1 Plan of Union Passenger Rail Way on south side of Spring Garden Street from 7th to 9th Sts. [Survey returned May 5, 1866] Roberts, Edward D. 1866
14 x 24 in.
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-009-f Plan and profile showing the extension of the Union Passenger Railway along Market St. from Ninth St. to Front St. [Survey returned March 1872; approved by Board of Surveyors April 15 1872] Shedaker, David Hudson 1872
12 x 51 in.
1 inch = 80 feet
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway. Inset drawing shows cross section of rail and rail bed - scale 1 inch = 2 feet. Lines of West Philadelphia Passenger Railway also shown.
RC-009-f attachment [Description?] of materials in laying the track Shedaker, David Hudson (probably) 1872
No location
Street Railway
RC-009-L Plan of proposed extension of tracks belonging to the Union Passenger Railway Co. [Approved by Board of Surveyors June 16, 1890] Mercer, Joseph 1890
18 x 35 in.
Union Passenger Railway. Tracks on Memphis St. between Lehigh Ave. and York St.
Street Railway
RC-009-m Plan of proposed extension of tracks of the Union Passenger Railway on Twenty-ninth St. between Poplar ad Jefferson Sts. and on Master and Jefferson from 27th to 29th [Ordinances June 19, 1875 and May 2, 1889; no approval noted] Albertson, William 1889
19 x 32 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-009-n Union Passenger Railway Co., Wm. H. Kemble, Pres. Plan of track extension on Memphis St. between Norris and Vienna [Approved by Board of Surveyors Nov. 3, 1890] Mercer, Joseph 1890
13 x 20 in.
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway
RC-009-o Plan showing proposed extension of 17th and 19th St. and Continental P.R.W. Cos. line on 17th St., Reed to Tasker St, Tasker St., 17th to 18th Sts., and on 18th St., Tasker to Reed Sts. 26th Ward. [Survey returned and approved by Board of Surveyors May 18, 1891] Daly, Thomas 1891
22 x 14 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
17th and 19th Streets Passenger Railway Co.
Street Railway
RC-009-p Plan of proposed curve at 13th and Jefferson Sts. for the Philada. Traction Co. [Approved by Board of Surveyors Jan. 18. 1890] Carlile, William K. 1890
18 x 12 in.
Philadelphia Traction Co.
Street Railway
RC-010-a Plan and profile showing the extension of the Union Passenger Railway along Market St. from Ninth St. to Front St. [Survey returned and approved March 17, 1873; with attached letter] Shedaker, David Hudson 1873
12 x 51 in.
1 inch = 80 feet
Union Passenger Railway
Street Railway. Includes cross sections of track bed and full size cross section of rail