GeoHistory Resources

39368. The Pennsylvania Railroad Eastern Region - Phila. Terminal Division. Plan showing proposed changes in location of the Sixtieth Street Branch and Chester and Philadelphia Branch, Philadelphia, PA. .. Plan to accompany agreement between the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington railroad Company and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Lessee, and the City of Philadelphia as authorized by ordinance approved May 6, 1947. Plan and profile approved by Board of Surveyors July 21, 1947, 1947


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Work Title:
39368. The Pennsylvania Railroad Eastern Region - Phila. Terminal Division. Plan showing proposed changes in location of the Sixtieth Street Branch and Chester and Philadelphia Branch, Philadelphia, PA. .. Plan to accompany agreement between the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington railroad Company and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Lessee, and the City of Philadelphia as authorized by ordinance approved May 6, 1947. Plan and profile approved by Board of Surveyors July 21, 1947, 1947
Not named
30 x 121 in.
Image Note:
The colors in this image may have been adjusted to enhance legibility, and may not accurately reflect the original item.
Map Features:
Railroad. Southwest Philadelphia Airport, rail lines, streams, pumping station, Mingo Creek, and many other features
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