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We're sorry, reproductions for this item are currently not available through our online ordering system. You may still in most cases order reproductions by contacting the holding institution directly. PHILADELPHIA STREETS DEPARTMENT, SURVEY AND DESIGNS BUREAU Frank Morelli Phone: (215) 686-5540 |
Plan, Draft of the East Front of the City of Philadelphia on the River Delaware from Cedar to Vine Streets, exhibiting the public and private wharves, and docks, with the indented front line formed by the buildings, with the front dimensions and definitions of the respective properties, and depth of water found in the line of each street across the channel, to the Island and sand bars. This survey and delineation of the eastern front of the City was executed by the subscriber in conformity to a resolution of the City Councils dated 25 April 1811, for the use of the Wardens of the Port, a duplicate of which is deposited in their office. Philadelphia, 16th September 1811. Reading Howell. Copy [by] W. Morrell April 1905., 1811 Original size: 20 x 97 in. (estimated)