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We're sorry, reproductions for this item are currently not available through our online ordering system. You may still in most cases order reproductions by contacting the holding institution directly. PHILADELPHIA STREETS DEPARTMENT, SURVEY AND DESIGNS BUREAU Frank Morelli Phone: (215) 686-5540 |
Plan, We Thomas Norton, Isaac W. Morris and William Penrose who have been chosen, nominated and appointed to make Partition and Division of those Messuages and Lots of Ground delineated in the above Plan or Draft late the Estate of Benjamin George Eyre deceased agreeable to his last will between Jacob Valentine and Elisabeth Ann his Wife and Samuel Robbins and Harriett his Wife the said Elizabeth Ann and Harriet being the two Daughters of the said Benjamin George Eyre deceased having carefully considered the situation of the Premises and the relative value of the Part thereof with another do part and divide the same in Way and manner set forth in the said Plan or Draft…Witness our Hands and Seals this Seventh Dan of the Fourth Month called April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and nine 1809. [Signed] Thomas Norton, Isaac W. Morris, William Penrose., 1809 Original size: 16 x 21 in. (estimated)