GeoHistory Resources |
Plan of the Second division of the survey and regulation of the District of West Philadelphia. Made in conformity with an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the first day of May anno domini 1852, and agreeably to a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the District of West Philadelphia passed the thirteenth day of October A.D. 1852. Surveyed and returned by Joseph Fox, Surveyor, 10th Mo. 12th 1853. Francis Lightfoot Assist. Surveyr. Drawn by Samuel L. Smedley. , 1853Plan (alternate image)Work Title:
Plan of the Second division of the survey and regulation of the District of West Philadelphia. Made in conformity with an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the first day of May anno domini 1852, and agreeably to a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the District of West Philadelphia passed the thirteenth day of October A.D. 1852. Surveyed and returned by Joseph Fox, Surveyor, 10th Mo. 12th 1853. Francis Lightfoot Assist. Surveyr. Drawn by Samuel L. Smedley. , 1853
Fox, Joseph; Lightfoot, Francis
39 x 51 in.
Image Note:
The colors in this image may have been adjusted to enhance legibility, and may not accurately reflect the original item.
Map Features:
Curb elevations, lower section of Beaver Run, sewers projected to capture the flow of the upstream sections of Beaver Run
Image File(s):